Originally delivered on 8/19/2024 10:48 am

SUBJECT: Tails from the Bark Side - 8/19/24

Issue #2 - August 19, 2024
  • Starting TODAY! Yogurtland is available for purchase after school EVERY Monday (grades 1-5). Send your student with $5 for a sweet treat! (20% comes back to the PTO!)

  • Wednesday After School Programs (grades 1-5) start next week (Aug 28)! SIGN UP TODAY to secure your spot!

  • We'll be delivering PTO incentives to classrooms this week! Become a member today to get yours!

Find out what else is coming up on the Husky Happenings Page!

About that PTO...
  • We hosted our first PTO meeting of the year on Friday - so fun to see so many new faces (and of course our awesome Board and Committee Members!) Couldn't make it? We'd love to see you at the next one on September 5th! Details on our MEETINGS page!

  • We're only on our 4th day of school - and we can already say with 100% certainty that YOUR student has already benefited from a program or materials funded by the PTO! Learn more about WHAT WE DO on our "About us" page to see what we mean!

  • We are thrilled to already have 105 families who have joined us as PTO Members! THAT'S AWESOME! 
    • Your PTO membership is per school year... we start fresh every August. If you've been a member in the past... we look forward to welcoming you back this year!
    • Haven't had a chance to join yet? Check out our MEMBERSHIP levels to find the option that works best for your family! 
    • We hosted our first raffle for members last Friday. Congratulations Kaelynn P. - you've won a $75 Scholastic Books gift card! THANK YOU for your membership! 
    • There are still 4 more chances to win... we'll be doing a raffle EVERY Friday through September 13th! The sooner you join - the more chances to win! (The book fair is Sept 23-27!) 
So Much Info - How To Stay in the Loop

  1. Bookmark the Hicks Canyon PTO website - your one-stop-shop for all the details. A few highlights:  
  2. Follow us on Social Media!
  3. Watch for two newsletters each week in your email: 
    • Mondays from the PTO ("Tails from the Bark Side") Missed an issue? You can find them all here
    • Fridays from school ("Husky Howl") 
Join the PTO!

The PTO funds programs that are NOT funded by the state or district. Learn more about exactly what PTO does on our ABOUT THE PTO page - and support today with your membership! 

Become a Member Today!
Community Sponsors

Promote your business AND support the PTO! Win/Win! 

Sponsorship Opportunities
Follow us on our NEW Social Media Pages!
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