Originally delivered on 9/2/2024 8:15 am

SUBJECT: Tails from the Bark Side - 9/2/24

September 2, 2024
  • THURSDAY:  PTO meeting @ 10:30 AM in the Small Multipurpose Room (you must check in at the front office before heading to the meeting) or you can call in on Zoom. All Husky families are welcome to join but only PTO members have voting rights. Find all meeting details (and future dates) on our MEETINGS page!

  • Sign ups are LIVE for The Little Mermaid Jr! This amazing musical theater program (brought to you by the PTO!) only has 20 spots left! (3rd-5th graders)

  • The Earn & Learn program started on September 1! Save ALL of your receipts from ANY purchase at any of the stores, restaurants and services at The Market Place shopping center (on Jamboree) - and turn them in at school (there's a collection box in the front office)! You can help our school win up to $3,500!

Find out what else is coming up on the Husky Happenings Page!
(5th Grade Girls Puberty Talk, Art Masters Training, Picture Day... oh my!) 

  • Has your student been working on educational apps on their iPad? (Lexia, ST Math, Seesaw, Newsela)? Then your student has benefited from PTO funding! That's right - many of the educational programs loaded on every student's device is funded by the PTO! Learn more about WHAT WE DO on our "About us" page to discover all of the things PTO makes happen!

  • We're up to 180 families who have joined us as PTO Members - more than 1/2 way to our goal! 
    • Check out our MEMBERSHIP levels to find the option that works best for your family! Remember- incentives are only available to members who join prior to September 13!

  • Member Raffle! Congratulations to Jessica and Tom  - you've won a $75 Scholastic Books gift card in our weekly Friday raffle! THANK YOU for your membership and we hope you enjoy the books! 
    • There are still 2 more raffles to go! The sooner you join - the more chances to win! (The Book Fair is Sept 23-27!)

  • Grade-level competitions! (Contests end September 13)
    • The class in each grade with the highest percentage of PTO members wins a popsicle party! 
    • The TWO top classes (one in TK-2, one in 3-5) each win a $250 Scholastic Gift Card for the teacher to use for books and supplies for the class!

  • We look forward to seeing you on Thursday at 10:30 AM at our Board Meeting - find details (and all meeting dates) on our MEETINGS page!
Get all the Details!

  1. Visit the Hicks Canyon PTO website - all the goods in one spot!
  2. Follow us on Social Media! 
  3. Watch for two newsletters each week in your email: 
    • Mondays from the PTO ("Tails from the Bark Side") Missed an issue? You can find them all here
    • Fridays from school ("Husky Howl") 
Join the PTO!

The PTO funds programs that are NOT funded by the state or district. Learn more about exactly what PTO does on our ABOUT THE PTO page - and support today with your membership! 

Become a Member Today!
Community Sponsors

Promote your business AND support the PTO! Win/Win! 


Thank you IL-DO Taekwondo, Satho Solutions and
Superseed Studios, LLC

Sponsorship Opportunities
Follow us on our NEW Social Media Pages!
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